Tererai TrentHeadshot

Tererai Trent

Global Humanitarian, Author, Scholar and Educator

Born into poverty and a culture that excluded girls from education, Dr. Tererai Trent shares her stunning journey from rural Zimbabwe to a global advocate for literacy that has helped transform education in her country and illuminated the pathway for women around the world to realize their dreams.

Dr. Tererai Trent is a world-renowned humanitarian, educator, and author who has served as a consultant to major international aid organizations in program and policy evaluation. She is a fellow at the Center of AIDS Prevention Studies at the University of California, San Francisco and an adjunct professor in the School of Public Health at Drexel University.

From the moment she wrote down her dreams of going to America for higher education, sealed them in a tin can, and buried them under a rock, Dr. Trent launched a narrative of turning oppression and injustice into opportunity that serves as a beacon of hope for women everywhere. Her soul-stirring talks not only bring tears to eyes and smiles to faces, but also include practical, actionable steps to achieve one’s goals and overcome the most daunting challenges.

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