Ann SelzerHeadshot

Ann Selzer

President of Selzer & Company and Pollster for the Des Moines Register
Fee Range $20,001 - $30,000 *
* This specific fee falls within this range. Ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Keppler Speakers representative.
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When most people think of data analysis, statistics, and demography, they associate the terms with boring, nuanced mathematical work. Ann Selzer is not most people.

By implementing innovative polling techniques such as emphasizing the importance of sample selection, Selzer solidified herself as one of the foremost and most reputable pollsters in the country. Selzer came into national view when she correctly predicted the upset victory of Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008.

As a result, every four years Selzer is known as the pollster to consult, earning the title of “best pollster in politics” from FiveThirtyEight as well as a POLITICO darling. Selzer offers non-partisan, entertaining insights into the inner workings of Washington politics.

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